Friendly to nature. And you.
Our beds are made in Norway using only materials, production methods and suppliers that live up to our highly set expectations. To prove our sincerity we work with the leading sustainability labels, and in particular the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. It makes us sleep better.
We share the dream of a sustainable society.
We are proud to offer the largest collection of beds that carry the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Watch the film to learn more about our commitment towards sustainability together with the Swan.

Re-thinking and re-using.
The planet demands us to be smarter when it comes to the use of resources. And beds are no exception. Working with circular design, we extend the life cycle of our beds and accessories, without compromising their quality. Our aim is always to make beds that stand the test of time, while constantly working to reduce their foot print. Our products are manufactured in Norway with a five-year full guarantee and a 25-year guarantee against frame or spring breakage on all beds.

Eco-friendly fabrics.
We strive to only use recyclable and re-usable textiles in our beds. The fabrics carrying the Green Care and Easy Care labels are produced with 75 percent less CO2-emissions compared to virgin polyester and are easily cleaned with water and mild soap. All of our fabrics also live up to the demanding requirements set by the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Our most luxurious bed fabrics are made of wool produced in Norway. This elegant and soft material is inherently sustainable and naturally flame retardant. Its elasticity gives it a flexibility that feels softer to your skin and ages beautifully. The natural, temperature regulating effect of wool will also do wonders for your sleep quality.

No harmful chemicals.
As the owner of a Jensen bed, you have the right to expect a quality sleeping experience that is equally safe for your health and for the environment. Hazardous chemicals have no place in a Jensen bed or any of our accessories, which is why we don’t treat any surfaces made of wood, metal or fabric with unhealthy flame retardants or other harmful chemicals.

Certified and sustainable wood.
The wood we use in our bed frames is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). This ensures that the wood is sourced and processed in a sustainable, responsible and socially beneficial manner.

Less waste, more recycling.
We constantly strive to reduce the quantity of waste generated during production of our beds and accessories. We order fabrics in special sizes to fit our beds, thus minimizing waste. By investing in equipment and software we have already reduced our production loss and waste by 18%. We sort plastic foil, cardboard, textile types, iron/steel, fluorescent tubes, batteries, electrical waste, aerosols and residual waste. We have return arrangements with the Norsk Gjenvinning recycling company for euro pallets, special pallets (foam sheets in various sizes), pallet boxes, intermediate plates, intermediate rails, foam chips and foam sheets with flaws.

Aiming for circular use of plastic.
We are a member of Grønt Punkt Norge, a non-profit organisation that recycles packaging. We make sure that all the packaging we purchase is environmentally friendly. Through Grønt Punkt Norge and their initiative Plastløftet, we are committed to limit plastic waste by increasing use of recycled plastic and avoiding unnecessary use of plastic. In 2020 alone we managed to cut plastic use in our production of beds and accessories by 16 tonnes.

Always increasing ambitions.
We have the largest collection of beds carrying the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Our beds, textiles and accessories have to live up to strict requirements regarding the environmental impact throughout their lifespan – from raw materials to disposal or recycling. With each year the requirements get increasingly tough, ensuring an ever growing ambition to our work within sustainability.
We support UN:s goals for sustainable development.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the most prominent ally in our work for a sustainable future, where the planet is protected and we collectively take the fight against climate change. Together with the Swan we contribute to 11 of the 17 sustainable development goals, with particular emphasis on goal number 12: Responsible consumption and production.
You find an overview of the impact of the Nordic Swan’s work on the different sustainability goals below.
Strict requirements for chemicals in all products help to reduce the amount of hazardous substances and promote healthy lives for all.
Regulations for the use of pesticides in cultivation of cotton and other raw materials, as well as limits to the use of unwanted dyes and other chemical substances in the manufacturing of, for example, textiles and paper.
Reducing total energy consumption and fossil fuels while promoting locally produced energy in products and services.
Contributing to sustainable economic growth as well as complying with strict environmental requirements. Companies that make ecolabelled products must always adhere to working environment legislation.
Contributes to increased resource efficiency. This includes setting energy requirements especially for the production and use stages.
Striving to create sustainable buildings with focus on low energy consumption, building materials without unwanted chemical substances and renewable raw materials.
Reduction of the environmental impact of production and consumption. This ensures sustainable production as well as control of the value chain – and provides the end user with sustainable products.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a strong tool for national and common Nordic strategies for climate change action and strives to limit the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energy.
Through strict requirements for chemicals, the discharge of toxic substances to the sea is reduced. For example microplastics and UV-filters that harm coral reefs.
Sustainable management of the world’s natural resources is supported by setting requirements based on recognized sustainable certification schemes, for example for sustainable forestry.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN). Only environmentally friendly products and services proven to have lower environmental impact may carry a GEN member ecolabel.